Energy conveys to us the idea of motion and activity. Inside a living organism we see a source of power, which by some manner is released in terms of movement.... Life is energy... it is the creator or initiator of movement change, development. We are different from moment to moment because the life principle is at work with us.... The spirit of humanity, like the forces of nature, and like the physical life, is at bottom energy.... Spiritual life, therefore, is just as much a development out of what has gone before in the evolutionary process as physical life is; which means that the origin of spiritual life is from within.
- John Dietrich
The above is the most best explaination i have ever heard about energy in my life, for now. I aint dead yet. Why are there no updates? tell u the truth, i have been very very busy for the last couple of weeks. Many trivial things i have to do and as of today, there are still aload of them. This will go on until the holiday comes which is jus like 3 weeks from now. I seriously need a break from my work. i do love my work very much but at times, i do hate it. hehehehe. Sometimes, i hate what i love the most and love what i hate. example: right now, i hate (jus a tiny bit) my lovely job and i am in love with the challenges that are surrounding my work (yet in fact, i do koe i hate it). Bear in mind, without any challenges in life, you can never develop. Allah bestown upon you the tests of life not because Allah wants to show you how hard you can fall, but to show how to extend your limits slowly. To show you that you are capable of doing things which are much more greater than life itself. Trust me. When all the things are said and done, when you now see the big picture of what the challenges actually holds, there wont be any regrets in your heart. I bet you will say "Thankgod i took that chance, faced so many tests and always kept my head high. Now i koe i can actually do more than what i assume i am capable of"
now, the big question is, are you willing to grab any challenges in life and learn from it? I am your tutor but sometings in life, i cannot teach you. You need to learn by yourself. There are experiences called "second-hand experience" where someone teaches another person about life and the former takes it and live up to it - meaning not taking any risk in life. That i do not recommend. Do something that is out of the ordinary. You are my student, you are capable of doing so :D
najmoon esa