Monday, 24 November 2008

blog from the past


One of my blog during my uni days. Funny banar so i wanna share it with you. Enjoy! :D

my girl

the reason i like to watch korean drama alone is bcoz i hate ppl see me cry. it’s the worst thing. i was watching this korean drama ‘my girl’ (shytz eh…) i got so emotional f u guys liat aku nangis dmlm atu…hish!!! mcm aku yg belakun ani wah…wahahahhahahaha….astafirullah…started liat sal c rey. i went to her room on wed night to bawa ia shisha…she was watching the middle episodes of the drama, aku TERnampak yg ikut blakun atu syg abg, teranah tah ku meliat. after kami balik dari sinsbury…since i got the dvds of the drama (pinjam dari nas) decided to watch it la….i watch it dari 9pm wed night till 3pm on wed…i didnt sleep…i hate it lau i stop some whr jus for a sleep o smtg…cz my mind will b thinking abt it. towards the end of the drama, i ws crying heavily, 12.45pm and worst mell knock on my door to tanya ada ka inda footie since it ws footie day (wed). terkajut w my pale face and bangkong mata she said i dnt need to play. hehehe. it ws kinda our off day. semua masih tido usulnya and kaknisa inda dpt main jua so nada footie. finally the drama ended with them being together. yea jgn mcm ceta won bin ah ‘autumn in my heart’…the couple end up mati…wargh!!! stress ku eh….atu ceta palui nasib syg abg ku blakun mun inda….ku buang cd adi ku tu….it ws 3ish pm aku abis liat ceta atu…n after dat mandi…then climb to my bed and tido…………till 7.45pm…. bangun sal lapar…..heheheheh…sesiapa mo nangis liat la ceta drama korea….insyallah pas liat jdi korean tu…MANA INDA MATA BANGKONG!!!!!! lol….k la mo buat kaja….ciao….bebz…

Lines of hope and freedom


I took these lines from my previous blog site. Yes, i have other blogs but not active due to some personal reasons. hehehe. Now, some of the lines are home-made and some are taken from my fav books. I do not have the mental strength to blog tonight. Yes, i am physically and mentally tired these days as the end of the year is jus around the big corner. so please excuse me for not entertaining you tonight.

"……dark clouds cover my sight as i tried to look ahead but i couldnt and wouldnt cause i was afraid. never acknowledge the reason why i ceased my heart beat for you although i knew the reason since the day i left your side. Loved and love you. it is better to let my love roam within my heart cause i could not bear the pain of losing you one day, which would be the day that i defy everything within my faith and destroy the world; for that i am afraid to love you. Love cannot be this strong and it should not be this weak. since i tried to love you in a stable fashion, yours started to die. My fallen angel, in silence, in peace and in death, i keep this secret; I love you. May the angels befriend you in heaven and may the demons keep you safe in hell….." Zarek

‘we damn ourselves by our words and deeds. one spoken word will create an endless chain of change and thousand lives rewritten because you speak. Then you regret and curse your stupidity and pray that you could bury the pain so deep that it will prick you no more. when peace comes, be warned that nothing is ever given freely and nothing lasts forever. one day something will come along to make you feel again, and with it, it will bring the pain of the ages upon you. All you have hidden will come out and it could destroy not only you, but anyone near you.’
Acheron Parthenopaeus

najmoon esa

Saturday, 22 November 2008

lawa yo!

wahahahahahahaha cua kamu liat muka c gyah...inda plang mz tau npa ia cematu...wahahahahhaha...ah yes....tym dulu2 masa rambut c sy masih mcm helmet motor cycle!!! hahahahahahaha....

najmoon esa



Today's hot topic is all about yoga. The Malaysian Islamic Authority have release a fatwa against yoga and everybody is making a fuss about it because it is a part of their social and healty life. But do they seriously understood why the Islamic clerics release such fatwa?

Below is an interview taken from BBC news about the yoga in Malaysia:
Adam Junid is a Muslim Malaysian who does both - prayers and gym, specifically yoga.

An engineer in his 30s, he goes to a weekly class for about 30 people.

"I don't think it interferes with the religion at all," he says.

"In fact it helps you, makes you healthy and more aligned and it helps you become self aware," he adds.

Do you know that the yoga postures and exercises are the ways of buddist praying to buddha during our fore-fore-fore fathers? Now, i bet someone would replie, "yes i know that. But my 'nawaitu' - niat, is to get in shape; not converting to another religion. As long as my nawaitu is lurus, i do not think it is against Islam." Let me tell you a story which was told by Ustaz Ismail Kamus. One night, a rich man had big gathering and everybody was invited as long as they give some offerings to his god. A hungry man tried to attend the gathering empty-handed. The guards hold him and ask for his offerings. The man said he was poor and hungry. The rich guy came out and explain to the hungry-man that he could present anything to his god. The hungry man looked on the floor and saw a dead fly. He picked it up and asked the rich guy, "can i offer your god this dead-fly?" and the rich guy replied, "yes" and so he did and went into the festival and eat.

Another hungry guy came along and was hold by the guards as he did not have anything to offer to the rich guys' god. The rich guy told the 2nd hungry guy that he can offer anything even a dead fly. The 2nd hungry guy replied,"if i do such act it would mean i am menyekutukan Allah. I rather die of hunger than do such things that can bring Allah wrath upon me."

Someone would reply to me "But doing yoga is not like as if i am offering something." but the truth is, yes you are. That ACT alone is an offering sudah. Do not think that as long as your nawaitu in joining yoga is for the sake of your health and so it would not jeapardize your religion. The fact is, it does.

I am not a religious person and I do not have the rights to say what is right and wrong. I am just telling you a story and it is up to your discretion to decide what is best for you.

najmoon esa

Najmoon's List


When you do things based on an ugly intention, it will end up as a burden to you. I went for the "blog it up @ ubd" forum and the speakers were rano, reeda and shahreen. It was educational berabis and now, i have a list of things i need to google. I remember what Dr. Zul was saying tdi "you say something, be responsible for it." Lately i have not being responsbile towards myself. I need a new mirror. I will explain myself in the next blog coz right now, the sandman is waiting for me.

p.s: i miss those days when i would stay up late and read a whole stack of articles and journals till subuh and sleep for awhile till 8am than walked to school and attend my lectures. I miss my uni life. I can still have my working days reading articles but the problem right now is that i cant find the intersection, just like wat Dr. Rodwin said. Explain later. Nyt

Najmoon Esa

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

over and out.


Sabda Rasulullah SAW lagi: Demi Allah yang jiwaku ditanganNya, sesungguhnya Qul Huwallahu Ahadu itu tertulis di sayap malaikat Jibrail a.s, Allahhus Somad itu tertulis di sayap malaikat Mikail a..s, Lamyalid walam yuulad tertulis pada sayap malaikat Izrail a.s, Walam yakullahu kufuwan ahadu tertulis pada sayap malaikat Israfil a.s.

That is the coolest thing i have ever heard. I didnt know that sayap malaikat ada ayat-ayat Al-Quran. Subahanallah.

Finally, the parents-instructor-meeting is over!!! wahahahahahaha.. i have been stress about it all this while. Collecting and updating some data for the student's progress report was such an inevitable challenge. During the meeting, i saw the vision clearly on how to do it but then during the process, i got stuck and at the same time i was fully exhausted by being a tutor and also as a training officer. I am not complaining that i am tired due to it. Of course, any work in this world will make you tired. Even eating. trust me. But this time, my energy level was low due to too much work load but then i still ask for more work. Hehehehehe. I just wanna see how far i can go. How far my hands can reach. Now, that is exciting. I wonder what i can do :D

"Mana mungkin kita mampu menejar bayang-bayang nya. Semuanya ilusi semata-mata" I was reading an article about how our brain works. Do you know that our brain do not actually know the difference between the real and the imaginary visions that you keep playing in your mind? Ever wonder why we are told not to day-dream? hah! The mind is the most powerful part in our body. Jangan sia-sia kan anugerah Ilahi. Use it to the max bebs.

najmoon esa

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Iman, sabar dan ikhlas.


"kau ingat kisah Yusof A.S dan Zulaiha? Zulaiha menuduhi Yusof telah memperkosanya, pada hal dia tidak tahan dengan ke tampanan Yusof. Fitnah! Itu semua fitnah, Fahri. Zulaiha menfitnah Yusof memperkosa dia, hingga Yusof di penjara. Apa kah Yusof memberontak? Tidak, Fahri. Yusof tahu Allah sedang berbicara kepadanya. Kau mahu tahu apa yang di katakan Yusof? Kata Yusof, "Ya Allah jika memang kehidupan penjara lebih bererti bagi MU dari dunia luar, maka aku lebih memilih tinggal di penjara tapi dekat denganMU daripada aku hidup bersama manusia pendusta. Allah sedang berbicara pada mu tentang sabar dan ikhlas. Sabar dan ikhlas. Ini Islam, Fahri."

From the movie, "Ayat-ayat cinta". I recommmend you to watch the movie and please, watch it alone so that no one could spoil your "kesedaran" moments.

"Tanpa iman, seseorang itu boleh terjebak dan tenggelam bersama huru-hara di dalam jiwa. Jika tergelincir, ia pasti mencetuskan ketidakseimbangan perasaan. Bukan mudah menghadapi musibah." A quote from the book, Cinta Sang Ratu; by Ramlee Awang Murshid.

Both movie and book showed me that if you want to face the trials of life, you need to have iman, kesabaran and keikhlasan.

Najmoon Esa

Tuesday, 11 November 2008



Please be inform that there is be no classes (inda sekulah) this thursday, 13th November, 2008 due to graduation day. Jgn dtg sekulah ah. Kamu ani terlabih rajin ni. hehehe

najmoon esa

Monday, 10 November 2008

Bring it on


Energy conveys to us the idea of motion and activity. Inside a living organism we see a source of power, which by some manner is released in terms of movement.... Life is energy... it is the creator or initiator of movement change, development. We are different from moment to moment because the life principle is at work with us.... The spirit of humanity, like the forces of nature, and like the physical life, is at bottom energy.... Spiritual life, therefore, is just as much a development out of what has gone before in the evolutionary process as physical life is; which means that the origin of spiritual life is from within.
- John Dietrich

The above is the most best explaination i have ever heard about energy in my life, for now. I aint dead yet. Why are there no updates? tell u the truth, i have been very very busy for the last couple of weeks. Many trivial things i have to do and as of today, there are still aload of them. This will go on until the holiday comes which is jus like 3 weeks from now. I seriously need a break from my work. i do love my work very much but at times, i do hate it. hehehehe. Sometimes, i hate what i love the most and love what i hate. example: right now, i hate (jus a tiny bit) my lovely job and i am in love with the challenges that are surrounding my work (yet in fact, i do koe i hate it). Bear in mind, without any challenges in life, you can never develop. Allah bestown upon you the tests of life not because Allah wants to show you how hard you can fall, but to show how to extend your limits slowly. To show you that you are capable of doing things which are much more greater than life itself. Trust me. When all the things are said and done, when you now see the big picture of what the challenges actually holds, there wont be any regrets in your heart. I bet you will say "Thankgod i took that chance, faced so many tests and always kept my head high. Now i koe i can actually do more than what i assume i am capable of"

now, the big question is, are you willing to grab any challenges in life and learn from it? I am your tutor but sometings in life, i cannot teach you. You need to learn by yourself. There are experiences called "second-hand experience" where someone teaches another person about life and the former takes it and live up to it - meaning not taking any risk in life. That i do not recommend. Do something that is out of the ordinary. You are my student, you are capable of doing so :D

najmoon esa

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Lord of the flies


ever heard of "lord of the flies" by william Golding? I can assure u that the book is not kiddy's book. trust me. it's not. so go out, buy and read it.

sori guys. cant blog now. m jus too tired. go read the book. njoy :D

najmoon esa