Monday, 24 November 2008

blog from the past


One of my blog during my uni days. Funny banar so i wanna share it with you. Enjoy! :D

my girl

the reason i like to watch korean drama alone is bcoz i hate ppl see me cry. it’s the worst thing. i was watching this korean drama ‘my girl’ (shytz eh…) i got so emotional f u guys liat aku nangis dmlm atu…hish!!! mcm aku yg belakun ani wah…wahahahhahahaha….astafirullah…started liat sal c rey. i went to her room on wed night to bawa ia shisha…she was watching the middle episodes of the drama, aku TERnampak yg ikut blakun atu syg abg, teranah tah ku meliat. after kami balik dari sinsbury…since i got the dvds of the drama (pinjam dari nas) decided to watch it la….i watch it dari 9pm wed night till 3pm on wed…i didnt sleep…i hate it lau i stop some whr jus for a sleep o smtg…cz my mind will b thinking abt it. towards the end of the drama, i ws crying heavily, 12.45pm and worst mell knock on my door to tanya ada ka inda footie since it ws footie day (wed). terkajut w my pale face and bangkong mata she said i dnt need to play. hehehe. it ws kinda our off day. semua masih tido usulnya and kaknisa inda dpt main jua so nada footie. finally the drama ended with them being together. yea jgn mcm ceta won bin ah ‘autumn in my heart’…the couple end up mati…wargh!!! stress ku eh….atu ceta palui nasib syg abg ku blakun mun inda….ku buang cd adi ku tu….it ws 3ish pm aku abis liat ceta atu…n after dat mandi…then climb to my bed and tido…………till 7.45pm…. bangun sal lapar…..heheheheh…sesiapa mo nangis liat la ceta drama korea….insyallah pas liat jdi korean tu…MANA INDA MATA BANGKONG!!!!!! lol….k la mo buat kaja….ciao….bebz…

Lines of hope and freedom


I took these lines from my previous blog site. Yes, i have other blogs but not active due to some personal reasons. hehehe. Now, some of the lines are home-made and some are taken from my fav books. I do not have the mental strength to blog tonight. Yes, i am physically and mentally tired these days as the end of the year is jus around the big corner. so please excuse me for not entertaining you tonight.

"……dark clouds cover my sight as i tried to look ahead but i couldnt and wouldnt cause i was afraid. never acknowledge the reason why i ceased my heart beat for you although i knew the reason since the day i left your side. Loved and love you. it is better to let my love roam within my heart cause i could not bear the pain of losing you one day, which would be the day that i defy everything within my faith and destroy the world; for that i am afraid to love you. Love cannot be this strong and it should not be this weak. since i tried to love you in a stable fashion, yours started to die. My fallen angel, in silence, in peace and in death, i keep this secret; I love you. May the angels befriend you in heaven and may the demons keep you safe in hell….." Zarek

‘we damn ourselves by our words and deeds. one spoken word will create an endless chain of change and thousand lives rewritten because you speak. Then you regret and curse your stupidity and pray that you could bury the pain so deep that it will prick you no more. when peace comes, be warned that nothing is ever given freely and nothing lasts forever. one day something will come along to make you feel again, and with it, it will bring the pain of the ages upon you. All you have hidden will come out and it could destroy not only you, but anyone near you.’
Acheron Parthenopaeus

najmoon esa

Saturday, 22 November 2008

lawa yo!

wahahahahahahaha cua kamu liat muka c gyah...inda plang mz tau npa ia cematu...wahahahahhaha...ah yes....tym dulu2 masa rambut c sy masih mcm helmet motor cycle!!! hahahahahahaha....

najmoon esa



Today's hot topic is all about yoga. The Malaysian Islamic Authority have release a fatwa against yoga and everybody is making a fuss about it because it is a part of their social and healty life. But do they seriously understood why the Islamic clerics release such fatwa?

Below is an interview taken from BBC news about the yoga in Malaysia:
Adam Junid is a Muslim Malaysian who does both - prayers and gym, specifically yoga.

An engineer in his 30s, he goes to a weekly class for about 30 people.

"I don't think it interferes with the religion at all," he says.

"In fact it helps you, makes you healthy and more aligned and it helps you become self aware," he adds.

Do you know that the yoga postures and exercises are the ways of buddist praying to buddha during our fore-fore-fore fathers? Now, i bet someone would replie, "yes i know that. But my 'nawaitu' - niat, is to get in shape; not converting to another religion. As long as my nawaitu is lurus, i do not think it is against Islam." Let me tell you a story which was told by Ustaz Ismail Kamus. One night, a rich man had big gathering and everybody was invited as long as they give some offerings to his god. A hungry man tried to attend the gathering empty-handed. The guards hold him and ask for his offerings. The man said he was poor and hungry. The rich guy came out and explain to the hungry-man that he could present anything to his god. The hungry man looked on the floor and saw a dead fly. He picked it up and asked the rich guy, "can i offer your god this dead-fly?" and the rich guy replied, "yes" and so he did and went into the festival and eat.

Another hungry guy came along and was hold by the guards as he did not have anything to offer to the rich guys' god. The rich guy told the 2nd hungry guy that he can offer anything even a dead fly. The 2nd hungry guy replied,"if i do such act it would mean i am menyekutukan Allah. I rather die of hunger than do such things that can bring Allah wrath upon me."

Someone would reply to me "But doing yoga is not like as if i am offering something." but the truth is, yes you are. That ACT alone is an offering sudah. Do not think that as long as your nawaitu in joining yoga is for the sake of your health and so it would not jeapardize your religion. The fact is, it does.

I am not a religious person and I do not have the rights to say what is right and wrong. I am just telling you a story and it is up to your discretion to decide what is best for you.

najmoon esa

Najmoon's List


When you do things based on an ugly intention, it will end up as a burden to you. I went for the "blog it up @ ubd" forum and the speakers were rano, reeda and shahreen. It was educational berabis and now, i have a list of things i need to google. I remember what Dr. Zul was saying tdi "you say something, be responsible for it." Lately i have not being responsbile towards myself. I need a new mirror. I will explain myself in the next blog coz right now, the sandman is waiting for me.

p.s: i miss those days when i would stay up late and read a whole stack of articles and journals till subuh and sleep for awhile till 8am than walked to school and attend my lectures. I miss my uni life. I can still have my working days reading articles but the problem right now is that i cant find the intersection, just like wat Dr. Rodwin said. Explain later. Nyt

Najmoon Esa

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

over and out.


Sabda Rasulullah SAW lagi: Demi Allah yang jiwaku ditanganNya, sesungguhnya Qul Huwallahu Ahadu itu tertulis di sayap malaikat Jibrail a.s, Allahhus Somad itu tertulis di sayap malaikat Mikail a..s, Lamyalid walam yuulad tertulis pada sayap malaikat Izrail a.s, Walam yakullahu kufuwan ahadu tertulis pada sayap malaikat Israfil a.s.

That is the coolest thing i have ever heard. I didnt know that sayap malaikat ada ayat-ayat Al-Quran. Subahanallah.

Finally, the parents-instructor-meeting is over!!! wahahahahahaha.. i have been stress about it all this while. Collecting and updating some data for the student's progress report was such an inevitable challenge. During the meeting, i saw the vision clearly on how to do it but then during the process, i got stuck and at the same time i was fully exhausted by being a tutor and also as a training officer. I am not complaining that i am tired due to it. Of course, any work in this world will make you tired. Even eating. trust me. But this time, my energy level was low due to too much work load but then i still ask for more work. Hehehehehe. I just wanna see how far i can go. How far my hands can reach. Now, that is exciting. I wonder what i can do :D

"Mana mungkin kita mampu menejar bayang-bayang nya. Semuanya ilusi semata-mata" I was reading an article about how our brain works. Do you know that our brain do not actually know the difference between the real and the imaginary visions that you keep playing in your mind? Ever wonder why we are told not to day-dream? hah! The mind is the most powerful part in our body. Jangan sia-sia kan anugerah Ilahi. Use it to the max bebs.

najmoon esa

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Iman, sabar dan ikhlas.


"kau ingat kisah Yusof A.S dan Zulaiha? Zulaiha menuduhi Yusof telah memperkosanya, pada hal dia tidak tahan dengan ke tampanan Yusof. Fitnah! Itu semua fitnah, Fahri. Zulaiha menfitnah Yusof memperkosa dia, hingga Yusof di penjara. Apa kah Yusof memberontak? Tidak, Fahri. Yusof tahu Allah sedang berbicara kepadanya. Kau mahu tahu apa yang di katakan Yusof? Kata Yusof, "Ya Allah jika memang kehidupan penjara lebih bererti bagi MU dari dunia luar, maka aku lebih memilih tinggal di penjara tapi dekat denganMU daripada aku hidup bersama manusia pendusta. Allah sedang berbicara pada mu tentang sabar dan ikhlas. Sabar dan ikhlas. Ini Islam, Fahri."

From the movie, "Ayat-ayat cinta". I recommmend you to watch the movie and please, watch it alone so that no one could spoil your "kesedaran" moments.

"Tanpa iman, seseorang itu boleh terjebak dan tenggelam bersama huru-hara di dalam jiwa. Jika tergelincir, ia pasti mencetuskan ketidakseimbangan perasaan. Bukan mudah menghadapi musibah." A quote from the book, Cinta Sang Ratu; by Ramlee Awang Murshid.

Both movie and book showed me that if you want to face the trials of life, you need to have iman, kesabaran and keikhlasan.

Najmoon Esa

Tuesday, 11 November 2008



Please be inform that there is be no classes (inda sekulah) this thursday, 13th November, 2008 due to graduation day. Jgn dtg sekulah ah. Kamu ani terlabih rajin ni. hehehe

najmoon esa

Monday, 10 November 2008

Bring it on


Energy conveys to us the idea of motion and activity. Inside a living organism we see a source of power, which by some manner is released in terms of movement.... Life is energy... it is the creator or initiator of movement change, development. We are different from moment to moment because the life principle is at work with us.... The spirit of humanity, like the forces of nature, and like the physical life, is at bottom energy.... Spiritual life, therefore, is just as much a development out of what has gone before in the evolutionary process as physical life is; which means that the origin of spiritual life is from within.
- John Dietrich

The above is the most best explaination i have ever heard about energy in my life, for now. I aint dead yet. Why are there no updates? tell u the truth, i have been very very busy for the last couple of weeks. Many trivial things i have to do and as of today, there are still aload of them. This will go on until the holiday comes which is jus like 3 weeks from now. I seriously need a break from my work. i do love my work very much but at times, i do hate it. hehehehe. Sometimes, i hate what i love the most and love what i hate. example: right now, i hate (jus a tiny bit) my lovely job and i am in love with the challenges that are surrounding my work (yet in fact, i do koe i hate it). Bear in mind, without any challenges in life, you can never develop. Allah bestown upon you the tests of life not because Allah wants to show you how hard you can fall, but to show how to extend your limits slowly. To show you that you are capable of doing things which are much more greater than life itself. Trust me. When all the things are said and done, when you now see the big picture of what the challenges actually holds, there wont be any regrets in your heart. I bet you will say "Thankgod i took that chance, faced so many tests and always kept my head high. Now i koe i can actually do more than what i assume i am capable of"

now, the big question is, are you willing to grab any challenges in life and learn from it? I am your tutor but sometings in life, i cannot teach you. You need to learn by yourself. There are experiences called "second-hand experience" where someone teaches another person about life and the former takes it and live up to it - meaning not taking any risk in life. That i do not recommend. Do something that is out of the ordinary. You are my student, you are capable of doing so :D

najmoon esa

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Lord of the flies


ever heard of "lord of the flies" by william Golding? I can assure u that the book is not kiddy's book. trust me. it's not. so go out, buy and read it.

sori guys. cant blog now. m jus too tired. go read the book. njoy :D

najmoon esa

Friday, 31 October 2008



It was during my KK holidays dat i made this small mistake. I was in such a hurry to pee that i asked one of the restaurants' attendant "Dimana jamban?" Now, yes at first none of us would think there is a mistake in my question but if u think carefully, jamban is brunei malay word. That girl gave me a confused face like as if she was the one who needed the location of the toilet ASAP.

Early this month, i met SP student President; Rena and she told me about WTO-WORLD TOILET ORGANIZATION. yes yes!! laugh it up! but it exists. Google it up and see what it has to offer. Its an NGO. so there's nothing to lose beb.

So wats the connection between my kk story n WTO? There is one link bt right now i have a major headache, feels like something is banging against my temple. Blog next time.

LOve you all, but not as much as i love myself
najmoon esa

p/s: my mother told me a story about a man who doesnt have good qualifications but his life was blessed. It was all because he seeked his parents' forgiveness every morning. Have u guys asked ur parents' forgiveness today? Why not? Malu? i seriously wanna know where, when and why did we get this idea of malu untuk meminta maaf ani kn?

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Bukan Jejaka Melaya

hahahhaha siapa kah itu yang makan seperti org yang inda sadar kan diri? yang sebalah c naz!

Hang Tuah


"Bukan cinta pasir mu yang ku tunggu,
tetapi kasih dari NYA yang seagung maya ku cari selama ini."

I came home around 8.30pm last night and "Kayangan" was on air. Now the hero in this movie talked like Hang Tuah punya era. Then i remembered a line from the movie "Puteri Gunung Ledang". Cant remember who said it - "....Cinta seagung maya....". From here, i started to think "How would Hang Tuah react if he sees today's malay culture?" would he faint or hide himself again in the jungle? From some sources (I do not know if it is reliable or not), Hang Tuah did ran away from Tanah Melayu due to some reasons which i do not know for a fact. Maybe he was sulking kerna cinta tak kesampian or just too sad about Hang Jebat? Find it yourself. Do a little digging aight. it's 6.15am and i need to take a bath. Gonna start tutoring in less than 2 hours.

Oh yea, my Mafia family is currently -1. one of my kids has grown up and become a policeman. I am quite sad about him being not there in my class bt sometimes i need to let go and let them grow on their own. :') sedih p happy. When we went to ICC for the exhibition thingy, i was counting my students. They used to be 18 all together and i kept forgetting that Ai is not with us anymore. and i started to think "sapa lagi yang lari ani?" kan marah sekali nya one of the girls cakap that c ai is no longer with us. "oh yea....." huhuhuhuhu......krg malam lagi ku mengutuk sal ia WAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA... sampai puas ati....hahahhahahahahahhaha......k c u guys later.

love u guys but not as much as i love myself
najmoon esa

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Hari Guru


Selamat Hari Guru to my mom, my big brother and all teachers around the world; especially to this one particular cute teacher name Najmoon. Wahahahhahaha :D I love my job. Seriously, i L-O-V-E my job. Funny how people still perceive that any unemployed graduates who are desperate to get a government job should apply to be a teacher because it is guarantee to be given. "Dang! inda ha-da-ha-da." Translate: Girl! that's a load of crap! Ok, I will lay down my case. My academic background is fully about business and finance. From form 1 @ stpri till my degree at Kensington College, i studied economics, accounting and business studies. Nada lari ni 3 adi beradi ani. Plus, I used to work at a local company as an Audit assistant. currently, as a part-time student, I am studying to get my ACCA certificate. For some of you who do not know what ACCA stands for, shame on you! find it yourself. And before i accept this tutoring job, i was given TWO (not one) job oppotunities from both public and private sector. one being an audit and the other, an accountant. Girl! Both jobs have high wages!!! $$$$$$$. But for some reason, my heart was set about the tutoring stuff. So I stick with this one. But why? there must be some strong reasons why i like this job.

First i get to see Abg Muiz everyday! wahahahhahahahahha....i love to bully my students. Sometimes i crack myself. hehehehhe. Sorry Abg Muiz, u are just not that cute as ME to be remembered everyday. hehehe. only weekends. hahahhaha. neways, love this job cause i can be just like Indiana Jones. Indy has 2 jobs. No! i am not talking about his adventurous side. I am talking about his lecturing job. Maybe bcause i love the fact that i can read books and articles everyday made me fall in love with this tutoring job. seriously, i get to use my brain everyday!!!! hehehe :D You dnt wanna mingle aimlessly in my brain. it's just too dangerous. Second reason, i get to teach the most amazing and logical topic on earth - "BUSINESS". I have been in love with this subject since i was in highschool. I am fully attached to it. We are engaged! hahahaha.....See how h-a-p-p-y i am!

Lets make it crystal clear. I did not accept this turoting job bcause i have no choice. I did have choices. Either being an audit, an accountant or a tutor. and i pick..........abg Muiz :D so the moral of the story is, please please please the era of stereotyping has end. so stop being "Si tau gaban" Example; People always perceive that malays are lazy. actually not all right?! I close my case :D last words, think wisely...GAMATE FOR TOMORROW GUYS!!!!

love you all, but not as much as i love myself
najmoon esa

Friday, 17 October 2008

siapa ini?

saja mz kn damam...perlukn sesuatu yg mengembirakn hidup...

ethical issues.


sok mz will be at school from am till pm. f some of u wanna perform, bleh dtg. f kn mengacau mz buat kaja, jgn tah dulu. mz tym ani damam and i need my rest from u lovely pest of mine :D Thank you.

eh mz ada ceta wah. after jogging, mz minum sama my parents rah akbar gdg. sekalinya tym mengorder, ada tia org ani duduk blakang kami. siuk2 kami mengorder, ia memanggil pelayan kami "mas! mas!" nyata tarang2 ia ambil order kami. sekalinya palayan kami inda melayan, marah ia "tuli kali! mas!!" pelayan kn tulih rah nya n told this guy he is with us masa atu. he jawab "awu tau ku. ni ambil dulu ni!" he was pointing to the meja towel on his table. panat! sekalinya the other pelayan melayan ia....mengorder tia ia " keraja ku ni...." ntah kau! keraja pun kn bising. palat! org lain inda kaja kali. lam otak mz mesti this guy mcm samseng usulnya, rambut panjang, muka bida. sekali mz liat. org nya smart berabis. baju tuck in. when he walked out of the restaurant, the two guys who were sitting at the corner table bceta sal his background. apparently this guy works for the force and holds a very important position in the organization. I wont tell u which force he works for. How embarrasing to see an old guy behave in such manner. sekali nya mz terfikir, lately i have been seeing misbehaves not only from students but also from the senior citizens. do i think our society's moral issues are deteriorating? yes. I strongly agree. so my advice for the day, please, please, please, do not follow the trend of today's way of thinking before considering many facts. go to the the very top of my blog and read the quote i got from the book. ok. jotting things down this way is fun. lets do it more often. at least, u will read some articles in english.

love you all bt not as much as i love myself.
najmoon esa

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Raya tomorrow (friday, 09.10.2008)


Mizz minta maaf banyak-banyak sal miss inda dpt ikut raya sok. Miss mo raya w my family la sok. Sori ah......krg kana cakapi leh bonda mz....lau bonda mz menagur, b gagar ni dunia ah.....gtakut....huhuhuhu....once again sori yer.....ciao bebs

najmoon esa

Thursday, 2 October 2008

selamat hari raya


To all my students;

Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin. Lau ada terkasar bahasa atau pun tingkah laku, maaf kan Tuan hamba. Bukan kerna mare tpi pasal mz syg kn kamu n mahu mengajar kamu :D pls do come to my house nanti k. ramai2 la...p gto dulu mz bila kamu kn dtg. at least leh sediakn makanan.

najmoon esa

Monday, 22 September 2008

Rumah Mz.


Time raya ani msg ms f u guys kan k umah mz k. At least leh Mz sedia kan makanan ka, apa ka....aight?

Najmoon Esa
No.2 Spg 158, Kg. Kiulap, Jln Kiarong.
(tau d mana rumah Pehin Apitz. dkt sana tu)


Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Students uniform during the 2nd week of Hari Raya.

Minit from Sekolah Perdagangan.

Please be informed that all students are allowed to wear Hari Raya attire after the school holiday for one week (6-11 october 2008). However, students can also wear the school uniform.

Please be advised that male students are to wear smart attire and female students are to wear proper and decent Hari Raya attire. All students must wear the School Uniform from 13th October 2008.

Hari Raya and Teacher's Day Celebration.

Minit From Sekolah Perdagangan.


Please be inform that the ticket for the above function is $22.00 per ticket. The ticket will be charged the same amount for all students, staff and guests. We are still negotiating for a discount from the caterer and if successful, we will refund back the discounted amount for every ticket purchased.

The venue, date and time of the event will be as follows:

Venue: Hua Ho Manggis Hall (Emperor's Court, Level 4)

Date: 19th October 2008 (sunday night)

Time: 7pm to 10.30pm

The school will be subsiding $5 per student and this will be taken from your Student Activities Fund. Therefore, you are only required to pay $17.oo to the appointed ticket committee (Mix-10 and Wondrous).

To make our event successful, all classes (PND and Year 1) will participate in the stage activities and every class must contribute at least one lucky draw gift.

Any questions refer to Sir Iswandi.

Saturday, 13 September 2008

sungkai @ SP


This sungkai event at SP:

- female students can wear baju kurung, jubah or anything except seluar. Must wear
tudong ah. any tudong.
- Male students can wear baju cara-melayu and songkok please. if nada songkok, topi
haji will do.

ciao bebs

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Easi Credit $5


Next Finance Assessment, sesiapa dapat distinction, Ms will bagi credit $5. Bah tunjukkan tia kehebatan kamu ah...mcm Laksmana Sunan (bukan c sy ah).

ciao bebs

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Happy Birthday :)


HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY WHO JUS HAD THEIR BIRTHDAYS. sori Mz lupa....mana inda...kamu inda bgi list bday kamu wah n jua no. tel. ingat2 lupa Mz masa ani. bah apa kamu mau? *Sabut sja. Mz leh bgi. banar! inda menipu.

Sy berapa kalung ko mo? sekalung doa o 2, 3, 4...brapa? ckp sja. walaupun kepala gajah, sangup hj bakhil membayarnya. Hj bakhil plang tu. bukan Mz ah. hahahahaha.

ciao bebs.

*sabut as in sabut kelapa :p

Sunday, 24 August 2008

Chpt 2: Management Theories and Principle (ND)


This is for my ND YR 1 Students (introduction to management). Im starting off with chapter 2 since i have not yet been able to type out my chapter 1 (Introduction to management) notes. As soon as i have finish typing them, i will upload the notes here. so no worries. Have a little faith in me. hehehehe :D


- Early Theorist were practicing managers, who analyzed their own experience in management to produce a set of what they saw as ‘principles’ of organization.

- Other people accumulated the knowledge about organization and management through trial and error while managing families, tribes, armies, commercial organizations and political entities.

- Old management principles are regarded as the laws or fundamental rules of organization and management.

- It is an ‘approach’ offering ways of looking at issues such as organizational structure, management functions or motivations.

- These principles can be use as guidelines for management actions, can provide a way of analyzing organizational phenomena and create a ‘framework’ or ‘blueprint’ within which practical problems and situations can be tackled.

- The reason we still use some of the old management approach is that management today reflects the evolution of concepts, viewpoints, and experience gained over many decades.

- one reason is that many of the concepts and practices established in the early days of management are still used today. many of the rules and regulations found in organizations today were originally created to protect managers from undue pressures to favor certain groups of people. (e.g. of organizations: FedEx, American Airlines,

- A second reason is that the past is a good teacher, identifying practices that have been successful and practices that have failed. Recognizing that employees join organizations for social as well as economic reasons has led many organizations such as Toyota and Dell to use teams to solve problems and base employee pay on team results.

- A third reason is that history gives a feel for the types of problems for which
managers long have struggled to find solutions. Many of these problems, such as low morale, high absenteeism, and poor quality, still exist in many organizations and continue to plague managers.

Management theories and viewpoints are based on different assumptions about the behavior of people in organizations, the key goals of an organization, the types of problems faced, and the methods that should be used to solve those problems.


1. Classical Theory 2. Scientific Theory 3. Human Relations Theory
- found in 1800s - found in 1900s - found in 1940s
- Henry Fayol - Fredrick W. Taylor - Elton Mayo
- 14 Principles - Bethlehem Steel - Hawthorne Studies

1. Classical Theory

1800 environment: The Birth of Industrial Revolution

- a shift from agriculture to manufacturing culture
- the raise of monopolies
- rapid social change and a growing disparity between rich and poor caused increasing conflict and instability.
- people were poor educated and needed considerable oral instructions and hands-on training in unfamiliar tasks.
- explosive growth of urban industry: workers in cities were forced to adapt to the factory’s formal structure and rules and to labour long hours for employers they never saw.
- employers generally regarded labour as a commodity to be purchased as cheaply as possible and maintained at minimal expense therefore, labour union emerge.
- workers from the labour union organized strikes and lockouts.

Henri Fayol

- French Industrialist
- 1841 – 1925
- father of modern operational management theory
- viewed management process from top to bottom
- wrote “General and Industrial Management” 1916
- His famous primary functions of management: Planning, Organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling
- emphasized in the formal structure and processes as these two are necessary for the adequate performance of all important tasks. (meaning people need to have a clear definition of what they are trying to accomplish and how their tasks help meet organizational goals.)

14 Principles
1. Divison of labour / work

2. Authority and responsibility

3. Discipline

4. Unity of command

5. Unity of Direction

6. Subordination of individual interest to the general interest.

7. Remuneration

8. Centralization

9. Scalar of chain

10. Order

11. Equity

12. Stability and tenure of staff

13. Initiative

14. Esprit de corps.

Contributions / advantages

- can be use by management in any field (both business or non-business)

- basic guidelines, laws and principles govern the correct way of performing work, the design of the organizational machine and management practices.

- more attention in the managerial activities

- emphasis on logical processes and strict division of labour

Limitations / disadvantages

- “ What Fayol did achieve was the first real attempt to produce a theory of management based on a number of principles which could be passed on to others. Many of these principles have been absorbed into modern organizations. Their effect on organizational effectiveness has been subject to increasing criticism over the last decade, mainly because such principles were not designed to cope with conditions of rapid change and issues such as employee participation in the decision-making processes of organizations” (GA Cole, Management Theory and Practice, 1993)

- modern business environment is too dynamic for the theory

- workers are now more educated and skilled and less likely to respond to an authoritarian leadership style

- classical theory was viewed as being too general e.g. employees may report to more than 1 manager

- prescriptive in nature – a very detailed approach in how to manage an organization.

2. Scientific Theory

1900 Environment: Post-industrial Revolution and World-War I

- more workers work in manufacturing than agriculture
- the fall of labour due to the abolishment of child labour
- The Great Depression in 1930s; Loss of employment, loss of savings, loss of security and loss of self-worth
- Many firms became larger and more complex
- Not all managers could continue to be directly involved with production
- Many managers spend more of their time on planning, scheduling and staffing activities
- A transition of technological leadership but managers could not keep up with the updates
- competitions became more intense, managers needed new ways to cut costs and boost efficiency so managers needed better management theories.

Fredrick W. Taylor

- 1856 - 1915
- Father of scientific management
- An American mechanical engineer
- one of the intellectual leaders of the “efficiency movement”
- the first man recorded to analyzed work as a study
- Developed a more systematic and analytical approach in the application of scientific knowledge for understanding the whole complex process of coordinating technical, human and economic factors in management.
- Taylor argued that managers should be based on ‘well-recognized, clearly defined and fixed principles, instead of depending on more or less hazy ideas’
- involved the development of a ‘true science of work’, where all the knowledge gathered and applied in the work should be investigated and reduced to ‘law’ and techniques.

- Has 5 fundamental principles:
1. replace opinion and rule-of-thumb with a scientific operation
2. scientifically determine the accurate time and methods for each job
3. setting up a suitable organization to take all responsibility from workers
4. selection and training of workers
5. Cooperate with workers

Scientific Management

- The application of scientific methods to increase individual workers’ productivity.
- management which conducts a business or affairs by standards established by facts or truths gained through systematic observation, experiment or reasoning

Bethleham Steel Co.

- systematic and scientific investigation of all facts and elements connected with the work being managed.
- Aim was to scientifically measure the worker’s jobs and setting their pay rates accordingly.
- Taylor used time-and-motion studies to analyzed work flows, supervisory techniques and worker fatigue (weariness)
-A time-and-motion study involves identifying and measuring a worker’s physical movements when performing a task and then analyzing the results
-goal of a time-and-motion study is to make a job highly routine and efficient
-Eliminating wasted physical effort and specifying an exact sequence of activities reduce the amount of time, money and effort needed to make a product.
- Taylor was convinced that having workers perform routine tasks that did not require them to make decision could increase efficiency.
- Performance goals expressed quantitatively ( e.g. number of units produced per shift)

Taylor concluded that money was the answer….
- He supported the individual piecework system as the basis for pay
- If workers met a certain production standard, they were to be paid at a standard wage rate
- Workers who produced more than the standard were to be paid higher rate for all the pieces they produced, not just for those exceeding the standard.
- Taylor assumed that workers would be economically rational; that is, they would follow management’s orders to produce more in response to financial incentives that allowed them to earn money

Contribution / advantages:

- used as guidelines towards making consistent production targets and payment standards.
- increase productivity due to improvement of working conditions and increase wages for job done
- Stimulated managers to adopt more positive role as a leader
- act as a research ground for management system

Limitations / Disadvantages:

-work transformed into the duty of methods and procedures
- workers was looked as human machines (just to maximized output)
- work was fragmented (division of labour)
- Only monetary rewards was use to motivate people to maximize output
- Management was fully responsible for planning and controlling all activities
- every job performance was measured, timed and rated scientifically in order to determine the amount of pay to be received by workers
- too rational and scientific
- performance goals expressed quantitatively (e.g. number of units produced per shift) addressed a problem that had begun to trouble managers – how to judge whether an employee had put in a fair day’s work.

3. Human Relation Theory

1940s Environment – The Great Depression and World War II

- Great Depression 1932
- World War II
- Business mechanized their factories and jobs became more specialized and interdependent
- Government became more involved in economic matters
- social reforms worked as both establishing a minimum wage and encouraging trade unions
- having grown large and then made their companies more efficient, many managers were turning to Resource and Development new products
- With more products meant managers had to pay more attention to their employees’ motivation

Elton Mayo

- Australian psychologist and sociologist and organization theorist
- 1880 –
- Hawthorne Plant; Western Electric company in Chicago.
- Hawthorne Studies
- founder of “The Human Relation Movement”
- focused on issues such as individual motivation, group behavior and leadership

Human Relation Theory

- Theory relates with the human factor where the concept of a worker is valued as a person with emotions and worth.
- Developed mainly be social scientist rather than practicing managers and based on research into human behaviour, with the intention of describing and thereafter predicting behaviour in organizations
- a management model that views the employee as socially motivated and operates from the assumption that a social need – satisfied worker is a productive worker.
- Mayo believed that Human Relation Approach to management create organization’s harmony, higher employees satisfaction and greater operations’ efficiency.
- Emphasized the importance of human attitudes, values and relationships for the efficient and effective functioning of work organizations.
- all about the social process within the group that affect the standards of their work performance

Hawthorne Studies

- experimented with the lightings in the working environments of the workers to see the fluctuations in their productivity
- Focused on workers’ social relationships in work and it had demonstrated that the working conditions had no significant effect on productivity
- need for belonging to a group and have status within groups (which is more important than money and working conditions)

Mayo concluded…

- social demand affected the standards of work performances
- workers must be seen as a member of a group to be accepted by the employees

Contirbutions / Advantages

- Human Relation Approach contributed an important awareness of the influence of the human factor at work on organizational performance
- genuine concern for individual worker leads to increased productivity
- looked at human aspects and relationship
- the emergent of many motivation theories that helps organization to understand its employees to maximize productivity and output (Maslow and McGregor)

Limitations / Disadvantages

- Managers need to pay attention to all their employees social life to increase productivity
- overemphasis on organization and rationality, the experience on the factory floor did not show drastic improvements in productivity
- ‘self-actualizing’ was developed and accepted as a more accurate description of human motivation
- the approach tends to emphasis the importance of work to the workers without really addressing the economic issues
- there is still no proven link between job satisfaction, motivation, productivity or the achievement of organizational goals.

Monday, 18 August 2008

Accounting Equation


There are 3 Components of accounting equation:

• Asstes
• Liabilities
• Owner’s Equity


- Assets are items of value owned by the business

- e.g. buildings, machinery, motor vehicles, stock of goods, debtors, cash at bank and
cash in hand.


- Liabilities are debts owned by the business to external parties

- A business incurs liabilities when it purchases items on credit from its suppliers

- A business also incurs liabilities when services are provided to the business have not yet
been paid by the business (Accrued Expenses).

- Liabilities are also incurred when the business borrow money from the banks by taking
bank loan and bank overdraft.

- E.g. Loan, Bank overdraft, Accrued Expenses, Creditors, Owings.


- The funds of a business provided by its owner(s)

- An owner of a business can calculate his net worth of his business by deducting the
liabilities from the assets of the business

- Owner’s equity = Assets - Liabilities

- Owner’s Equity can INCREASE when assets are introduced into the business through the investment by the owner(s)

- Owner’s equity can DECREASE when the owner(s) withdraws its assets for personal

- Business operations can also affect owner’s equity. Profits from business operation can
increase owner’s equity while Losses will reduce it.

Accounting Equation is defined as:

A = L + OE

A – OE = L

A – L = OE

Introduction to book-keeping and accounting, Classification of accounts and Types of business organizations

Introduction to Book-Keeping and Accounting:

1. Definition

Book-keeping[Esa1] :
- the process of recording the financial transactions accurately and systematically according to certain set of rules.

- part of accounting that is concerned with recording data

- the process of recording data relating to accounting transactions in the accounting books.

Accounting[Esa2] :
- concerned with recording data, classifying and summarizing data and communicating what has been learned from the data.

- recording data (book-keeping), classifying data (respective accounts), summarizing (trading and profit and loss account & balance sheet), communicating data (distribute to stakeholders[Esa3] )

- classifying accounting information for the preparation and interpretation of financial reports.

- analyzing and interpreting business transactions[Esa4] and accounting reports to aid business decision-making and make appropriate actions for the growth of the business.

2. Purpose


- show movement of cash inflows and outflows within the business

- provides evidence that a business transactions have taken place.

- supplies all information regarding the expenses and revenue of the business


- show a clean presentation of the business’s financial statement

- help in decision-making for budgeting and speculating the present and the future earnings or losses of the business

- show the financial health of the business

- to communicate financial information to various interested parties (stakeholders)

- Show results of the operations of a business (making profit or loss)

3. Difference between Book-keeping and Accounting

Book-keeping: Simple recording of transactions

Accounting: the use of the information recorded by the book-keeping operation to produce reports for management, owners and others.

4. Basic terms / concepts in book-keeping and accounting.

Accounting unit or Entity

- business is an entity by itself, separate from its owner(s)


- cash or any assets brought by the owner(s) for investment in the business

Accounting or trading Period

- only those transactions which affect the profit and loss of the business for a given period will be taken into account.

- period[Esa5] depending on the volume and nature of the business

Going Concerned

- always assume the business indefinite (unknown) period of time, therefore all value of the assets must be recorded at cost price (purchase price).

Step1: documents

- collecting and examining source documents ( invoices, receipts, vouchers etc)

Step 2: journals

- Source Documents posted into respective journals

Step 3: Ledger

- Journals entries posted to respective accounts in the ledger

Step 4: Trial Balance

- Use trial balance to see the accuracy of the entries in the ledger

Step 5: Adjustments

- adjustments are made to the accounts to comply with the accounting concepts

Step 6: Closing Accounts and Stock Valuation

- Ledger accounts are closed and the closing stock valued

Step 7: Financial Statements
- prepare trading, profit and loss accounts and the balance sheet.


1. What is book-keeping and accounting?

2.Why is book-keeping and accounting important?

3. What are the differences between book-keeping and accounting?

4. Is a company an entity? why?

5. How long is an accounting or trading period of a business?

6. Define Going Concerned concept.

7. Who are the stakeholders of Sekolah Perdagangan?

8. Who are the stakeholders of BSP?

9. On 1 May 2007, Hans Issac started a business and deposited $5000 into a bank account opened specially for the business. What is that $5000?

10. Write down the accounting approach.

Classification of Accounts

Accounts classified into 3:-

1. Personal Accounts[Esa6]

- Record transactions with persons, whether they can be people or firms
- these accounts show the relationship between the business and these

Double Entry system:

Debit – receiver
Credit - giver

2. Nominal Accounts[Esa7]

- Records all costs, expenses, losses and all gains and income
- Note: Sales account and purchases account are real accounts but since they are frequent nominal transactions, therefore nominal accounts.

Double Entry System:

Debit – all expenses and losses
Credit – all gains and income

3. Real / Property Accounts[Esa8] .

- Record assets (things) owned by business

Double Entry System:

Debit – what comes into the business
Credit – What goes out of the business


1. Define personal, nominal and real accounts and write some examples for each of the respective accounts.

2. Write down the double-entry for personal, nominal and real accounts.

3. State the reasons why sales account and purchases account are nominal accounts.

There are 3 business forms: Sole-proprietorship (sole trader),

- One-man business (only have one owner)

- Owner in complete control (controls the company completely. all decisions are made by trader only)

- Unlimited liability (personal belongings can taken away to pay debts)

- Limited capital (trader can only bring capital into the business. nobody else)

- Easy to set up. Only have few regulations

- Not subject to tax

- All profits or losses are borne by the owner

- may lose own possessions in failure

- confidentiality: stays with proprietor

- business ends with the owner’s death, insanity or bankruptcy

- close contact with customers and suppliers

- owner has to perform many tasks.

- minimum of 2 and maximum of 20 people in the business

- share responsibilities among partners

- Unlimited Liabilities

- partners contribute capital in the business (more partners, more capital injected in the company)

- Easy to set up.

- Not subject to tax

- All profits or losses are shared by all partners

- partners have to draw up partnership agreement

- conflicts and disagreements may occur

- business ends with the owner’s death, insanity or bankruptcy

- close contact with customers and suppliers

- time consuming in decision making


- Managed by Board of Directors

- Dividends declared by directors

- Legal entity – can be sued

2 types of companies:

1. Private Limited (Ltd) Co

2. Public Limited (Ltd) Co.

1. Private Ltd Co.
- Minimum 2 and maximum 50

- shares cannot be sold to the public

- Limited Liability

- The business name ends with
“Pte Ltd” (in Brunei Sdn Bhd)

2. Public Ltd Co.
- Minimum 2 and no limit

- Share can be offered to the public

- Limited Liability

- The business name ends with


Public Sector Organization [Esa10] (also a business organization but only providing services to the community with little or no profit)

The public sector is made up of public corporations (nationalized industries), government departments ( e.g Department of Health) and local government services ( e.g. council-run leisure centres). The emphasis here is not on making a profit but on providing a service for the community. Increasingly this objective has become more commercialized with government agencies having to operate within strict budget guidelines and to rely on cost savings for extra funding rather than on increased government subsidy.


1. Write down 3 advantages and disadvantages of a sole-trader.

2. State in your own words 3 advantages and disadvantages a partnership.

3. How many limited companies are there? State the companies.

4. Write down the 3 different characteristics of Private Limited and Public Limited Company.

5. What distinguishes a private limited company from a plc?

6. What does the term “limited liability” mean and why is it so important?

7. write down an example of a partnership, Ltd and Plc companies in your country.

8. What is the purpose of the public sector organization?


[Esa1]Process of recording financial transactions

[Esa2]The act of recording, classifying, summarizing and communicating accounting information.

[Esa3]Any person or group who have an interest in the business’s performance.

[Esa4]business activities related to the firm and expressed in money terms.

eg. Buying and selling of goods.

[Esa5]maybe a month, half-year, full-year or any length of time.

[Esa6]Eg. Debtors, Creditors, Capital.

[Esa7]commission received, interest received, wages and salaries, rent paid, travelling expenses.

[Esa8]Eg. cash in hand, stock, machinery, buildings etc.

[Esa9]There are many types of business in the commercial world. Each type of business has a role to play in the modern economy with its own unique benefits and drawbacks.

[Esa10]the government

Thursday, 14 August 2008

PD / BNF / 08 (Pt. 1)


To my bebehz; PD / BNF/ 08, please bring your calculator tomorrow, 16th August 2008, this saturday for your finance class.

Thank You.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Announcement1 - PD/08


Tomorrow, 6th August 2008, Wednesday, students can wear eca attire.

Men - Eca t-shirt, black / dark coloured pants.
Women - Eca t-shirt, black / dark coloured pants, tudong SP.

Reminder: Ai, Naz, Azim, Rina, Wal, Gyah - dont forget about ur a/c book.
Penalty $1/=



I guess this blog site can be a substitute for a blackboard. Here, i will post my notes, class exercises, research titles, some related articles, links, further reading titles and hopefully discussions. The academic fields that i will cover are the ones that i teach:

  1. Finance (Pre-National Diploma)
  2. Introduction to Management (National Diploma).

Hope this blog could help some on the students with their studies. Any questions just post or email me. Good luck this semester! :D GAMATE!! Fighting! Fighting!